Sunday, April 14, 2013

Paleo or vegan - what will it be?

Paleo or vegan? Those choices seem to totally contradict each other - the meat based hunter-gather vs the grain-grower we can't ever hurt an animal purely non animal, non animal product eaters....each claiming their way is categorically the only or best healthy one ....hahahaha...

Both have drawbacks in terms of high cost to the environment, and yes, nutritionally, carbohydrates have been detrimental to human health, but that is because taken in excess. Meat ...yes, can be the healthiest thing to eat long as you don't get a dose of mixed antibiotics with them and hormones well as the substances released by the abject fear and horror of the now dead sentient being you are eating. For your soul, how well can it be to eat a tortured sentient being .... Confined industrial animal keeping is destructive all the way around. Lean is best for longevity, meaning - loose weight, eat consciously. Realize that the soul of G-D, the Absolute, Being looking at you through the eyes of all animals you dare to look in the eyes. It might offer itself for your nourishment, for transformation, for transmutation - but does it? In any case - first: DO NO HARM. Do not cause it suffering in life or death. Compassion is meant for ALL sentient beings. And who knows what will be revealed about the consciousness of plants some day. "I had nothing buy myself with which to make this world" G-D.

Learn to kill it yourself.

What you can't kill, don't eat.

Do not be controlled by money making brainwashing schemes...which do not have your health at heart. Think about it: the rich USA has one of the most unhealthy populations on the planet,  and - you don't need meat or milk or coconut oil... and the processed foods that are poisoning you and the children - slowly, and the environment: rapidly.

You do need certain proteins and oils/fats as well as other micro-nutrients.

And for those plant eaters: get off your high horse, especially if you are promoting GMO crops....that is INSANE. They and the resulting increased use opf herbicides and pesticides will kill the planet's life. Destroying life forms is not leading to sustainable living. Are your vegan crop plots round-up treated? If so don't care about those soil animals killed, you know ...the little invertebrates? Or for that matter, GMO or not, do you know about the highly social intelligent field rodents killed by the thousands at harvest of the "vegan" foods, or the destruction of the rain forests in Asia for palm oil etc??

Ultimately ... go local ...not a single pretty lawn anywhere, not a vacant city pot anywhere. Investigate truly sustainable ways to eat for more than a few homesteaders ...and yes, this may include fish in the aquaponic systems, which incidentally means a mostly plant based diet. In any case, for this one here ... don't champion any method unless it can be done by all, give life and dignity to all involved and stuarts the earth and environment into health and long term sustainability. With enough love - awareness, compassion - it can be done....please see video below.

Besides - the powers at work are working on population control you won't get to vote on .... so it all may become a more or less mute point and in the end - it is your life and conscience - and what you have done to the least of the creatures, you have done to yourself. The religions may have gotten a lot wrong in their institutionalized power hungry structures - but the message still is: relief of suffering of sentient beings - loving-kindness as a practice.

Maybe some folks do not have a soul - maybe some do ...and maybe some are governed by evil entities - those you have to watch out for.

To answer the question in the title: NEITHER - it needs to be sustainable, kind and health promoting  ...grow your own or know your grower. Take the extra steps it takes ....

And watch this: - amazing
"I don't build gardens with fences - ----   You have to engage the community"


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