Truth Telling Rants about Chicken Keeping

There will be some - truth telling rants about chicken keeping and such. The language will not necessarily be politically correct and if you object to strong language or unpleasant truths, be kind to yourself as  maybe you don't want to read anything of this blog at all. That is ok, I most definitely want to give you the space to be the best you can be in your world.
This is only "my" "truth" at this time, and I am looking for a place where it just does not have to look or sound pretty, where not all the problems and issues are simply ignored ...amidst all the pretty pictures and give-away competitions.

In case you are curious: the image is of Big Boy. He is a Sicilian Buttercup chicken. He is the sweetest Roo I know and I have to send him away because of anonymous complaint about rooster noise (even though we are fully agricultural). The good part is: he has a place to go and a chance to live out this life....

PS. He went to Texas and I miss him every day. But he was able to take a roo with him who now has a chance at a decent rooster life.

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