Roosters and the Purpose of Life


Unbeknownst to me, having to unexpectedly deal with the roosters of my straight run flock drove home a dilemma which is as of yet unresolved.

For those of you new to chicken keeping, a straight run is a number of chickens which have not been sexed, that is, whose sex has not been determined. Chicken eggs hatch roughly 50% males and females. Once you find out that the vast majority of male chicks of your ordered females are chopped up alive, gassed to death or packaged up in plastic bags and left to suffocate - well, maybe you would not want that either if you are a sentient being.  In addition, I wanted good healthy birds - and Sandhill Preservation was recommended to me. They do not sex their birds, or, in any case, you can't get a sexed run from them. I had an arrangement with a local meat-eating chicken keeper to take my males - so I ordered 2 straight runs. Well, I ended up having to keep the birds.

I raised a total of 21 females and 32 males. What a saga is is, what a joy, what a learning, what a dilemma

...and it is not over.

So there will be rooster posts, and some of them will probably also be in the rant category :)

One thing I can tell you - I love them

and all birds - and so on

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